The City of Gainesville’s vision for housing is a city where renters and owners, at every income and ability level, stage of life, race and ethnicity, have access to safe and affordable housing now and into the future.
Summer programs available for kids of all ages from a variety of organizations.
One Nation One Project (ONOP) is a national initiative, and Gainesville and 17 other U.S. cities have been selected to take part. The goal of One Nation One Project is to use the creative potential of arts and culture in Gainesville to promote community healing and well-being in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Black History Month is a month-long celebration of the achievements and cultural recognition of African Americans in the United States. During the 1800s to the 20th Century, African Americans have made significant contributions to Black life from the early days of the abolitionist movements, the reconstruction, the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights movement.
On Nov. 8, Alachua County will vote on the extension of the Wild Spaces & Public Places sales surtax. The upcoming ballot initiative allows a 1% sales tax to be levied for ten years through 2032. 50% of the surtax revenue will be dedicated to Wild Spaces & Public Places projects and 50% of the surtax will be dedicated to roads, public facilities and affordable housing.
The City of Gainesville’s month-long "Journey to Juneteenth" celebration, from Florida Emancipation Day (May 20) through the widely recognized Juneteenth holiday (June 19), honors the long and turbulent journey to freedom while staying true to our history of Florida Emancipation on May 20.
The Gainesville City Commission has taken a strong stand against the proliferation of gun violence. In early 2023, the Commission voted to declare gun violence a public health crisis and drafted a motion to that effect.
For the Gainesville City Commission, traffic safety is a top priority and staff is taking efforts to reverse the upward trend in traffic accidents.
Effective October 1st, 2023, Gainesville Regional Utilities will operate under the management of a new board appointed by the Florida Governor. For more information on how this will effect GRU customers, see their FAQ.
In September 2023, the City of Gainesville and the Gainesville Housing Authority (GHA) were awarded a $500,000 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This grant will be used to create a plan to redevelop and revitalize neighborhoods in east Gainesville.