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The City Commission appoints the City Clerk, a charter officer. The City Clerk keeps public records of the City Commission and historical archives of city records. The City Clerk's Office supports the City Commission administratively and with appointments to advisory boards. The City Clerk posts official notices, agendas, and minutes for all City Commission meetings. For city elections, the City Clerk registers candidates for open mayoral and commissioner seats.
The City Clerk's Office maintains the city Code of Ordinances, city seal, vital records, resolutions, and deeds. The City Clerk records official documents with appropriate agencies. Contact the City Clerk to request public records.
City ClerkDirect: 352-393-8441Cell: 352-275-8307Email:
Office of the City Clerk, 352-334-5015,
Office of the Mayor and City Commission, 352-334-5016,
Senior Executive Assistant for Commissioners Eastman & Ingle
The Clerk's office assists neighbors with the following services: