Frequently Asked Questions

What is the City Commission?

The City Commission is an elected body that makes policy decisions and manages the city’s Charter Officers. Their meetings are always open to the public so that business is conducted in a transparent forum. There are seven members of the City Commission. The mayor and two commissioners sit at-large, which means they are elected by all of the city’s voters. The remaining four commissioners sit in district seats, and are elected by the voters of their district. Every city resident votes for a majority of the City Commission: the mayor, the two at-large commissioners and their district commissioner.

How do I find my City Commission district?

The City Commission consists of seven members: four commissioners elected from single member districts, two commissioners elected at-large and the mayor elected at-large. Find your City Commission district on our website or at the Alachua County Supervisor of Election's website.

When and where does the City Commission meet?

The City Commission generally holds its regular sessions on the first and third Thursday of each month. Meetings begin at 1 p.m. in the City Commission Auditorium, which is located on the first floor of City Hall (200 E. University Ave.). You may watch meetings live from anywhere via Facebook Live, on our website, or on Community 12TV. Past meeting recordings are also available to view on our website.

What is the order of business at a City Commission meeting?

Regular commission meetings generally follow the order of business outlined below:

1–4:30 p.m.
Agenda Statement
Roll Call
Adoption of Business Items on Consent
Adoption of Regular Agenda
Early Public Comment on Business Items
General Public Comment on Business Items not on the Agenda
Discussion of Business Items
Commission Comment

4:30–5:30 p.m.
Dinner Break

5:30–10 p.m. (or earlier)
Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations, Special Recognitions
Early Public Comment on Business Items
General Public Comment on Business Items not on the Agenda
Public Hearings
Ordinances: 2nd Reading
Ordinances: 1st Reading
General Public Comment on Business Items not on the Agenda
Commission Comment

How can I find the schedule and agenda for an upcoming City Commission meeting?

Visit the agendas and minutes page for information on upcoming City Commission meetings, commission committees and City Advisory Board & Committee meetings. Information on legislative files and meeting back-up materials are also available.

Agendas for City Commission meetings are available on the website by Thursday afternoon of the week prior to the meeting. Agendas will also be available at the Office of the Clerk of Commission and at the meeting.

How can I share my opinion with the City Commission?

The City Commission wants to hear from you! There are many ways to share your opinions on city business. You may call or email the commission, send a written public comment online about meeting agenda items, attend a community meeting and speak at City Commission meetings. Our Neighbor's Guide to Public Meetings(PDF, 466KB) explains each option in more detail.

How can the public participate in City Commission meetings?

Members of the public are always welcome to speak during City Commission meetings. There are two types of public comment available at meetings: general public comment and public comment on agenda Items. General public comment is an opportunity to speak about a topic that is not an agenda item scheduled to be heard during the meeting. Public comment on agenda items is limited to a business item being discussed at a meeting.

If a member of the public wishes to speak about an agenda item, but is unable to wait for that item to be called, they may speak during early public comment. More information and guidance about the various comment periods, including how to sign-up to speak, is available to view in our Neighbor's Guide to Public Meetings(PDF, 466KB).

How does a person with special needs request assistance for a City Commission meeting?

Persons with disabilities who require assistance to participate in the meetings are requested to notify the Office of Equal Opportunity at 352-334-5051 or call the TDD phone line at 352-334-2069 at least two business days in advance.

What types of action may the City Commission take during a meeting?

Official action by the Gainesville City Commission may take one of the following four forms:

  1. Ordinance- a municipal law that can be amended or repealed by adoption of another ordinance. Ordinances are prepared by the City Attorney, advertised, and read at the City Commission meeting before adoption, generally by title only;
  2. Resolution- an expression of a governing body concerning matters of administration, an expression of a temporary character, or a provision for the disposition of a particular item of the administrative business of the governing body, and may be introduced and adopted at the same meeting, and direct certain administrative or legal actions;
  3. City Commission Motion- adopted by majority vote may be used for the same purpose. A resolution is considered more formal action.
  4. Consent Agenda- many of the official actions the Gainesville City Commission considers routine business matters. These items are clustered into a single agenda. The consent agenda may be passed with a single motion. If a question arises regarding any item, the item may be removed from the consent agenda by a City Commissioner and placed on the regular agenda for a separate discussion and action.

Where can I find information about city ordinances and resolutions?

The City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances is maintained online by Municode.

To obtain a copy of an ordinance or resolution, contact the Clerk of the Commission at 352-334-5015 or