Consolidated Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement Plan

A Florida Statutory Board of Trustees oversees, and city staff administers, the City of Gainesville Consolidated Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Plan. The board is composed of five (5) members; two (2) year terms): two (2) members appointed by the City Commission; one (1) police officer and one (1) firefighter elected by eligible members of the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Plan; and a (1) fifth member chosen by a majority of the previous four members and such person shall be appointed by the legislative body of the municipality. City residency required for the two (2) members appointed by the City Commission.

Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) and administrative budget:

The SPDs are only intended to introduce employees to the plan and answer the most frequently asked questions. 

Police And Fire Pension    
Actuarial Valuation Reports  2023(PDF, 2MB)  
Government Accounting Standards Board
(GASB) 67 and 68 Reports
 2023(PDF, 316KB)  2024(PDF, 327KB)
112.664 State Disclosure Reports  2023(PDF, 1MB)  
Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report  2023(PDF, 830KB)  
Investment Performance Report 2023(PDF, 779KB)  2024(PDF, 1MB)
 Annual 60T Report    2024(PDF, 457KB)

Consolidated Board of Trustees:

Eugene Dugan (Firefighter) (Chairperson) 
Leah Hayes  (Police Officer) 
Steve Varvel (City Appointee) 
Walter Barry (City Appointee)
Harvey Lewis (Fifth Member)

Florida Department of Management Services Local Retirement Plans Actuarial Summary Fact Sheet