General Employees Retirement Plan

The City Commission serves as the Board of Trustees for the General Employees' Pension Plan.  The Pension Review Committee (PRC) assists the Board of Trustees in reviewing investment policies and performance, and making investment recommendations.  The PRC is comprised of five (5) members each serving five (5) year terms.  Investment advisory experience is required in order to serve as a member of the Pension Review Committee.

The Summary Plan Description (SPD) for the General Employees' Pension Plan(PDF, 1MB) can be accessed online. This SPD is only intended to introduce employees to the Plan and answer the most frequently asked questions.

General Employee Pension
Actuarial Valuation Reports 2022(PDF, 2MB)  
Government Accounting Standards Board
(GASB) 67 and 68 Reports
2022(PDF, 607KB)  2023(PDF, 307KB)
112.664 State Disclosure Reports  2022(PDF, 538KB)  
Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report  2022(PDF, 720KB)  2023(PDF, 750KB)
Investment Performance Report  2022(PDF, 461KB)  2023(PDF, 456KB)

Pension Review Committee Members:

Matthew Barker
Pat Keogh
Harvey Lewis
David Rader
Jon Visscher

Florida Department of Management Services Local Retirement Plans Actuarial Summary Fact Sheet