Pop Warner


Football & Cheerleading

The mission of Pop Warner Little Scholars is to enable young people to benefit from participation in team sports and activities in a safe and structured environment. Through this active participation, Pop Warner programs teach fundamental values, skills and knowledge that young people will use throughout their lives.

2025-football-players.jpg Pop Warner seeks to provide fun athletic learning opportunities for children, while emphasizing the importance of academic success. Specifically, Pop Warner seeks to familiarize players and spirit participants with the fundamentals of football, cheerleading and dance.

Registration Dates

Registration Dates: April 14 - July 25, 2025
Program Start & End Dates: July 15 - December 13, 2025

Practices are held weekday evenings; games take place on Saturdays.

Equipment handout

July 10, 2025: 

6U - 6pm

8U - 7pm

July 14, 2025:

10U - 6pm

12U - 7pm

*Must pay fees and have completed the registration packet before a child can practice 


Ages 5-12. A child's age on July 31 is their age for the season.

City residents: $122.25 (GRU bill or voter's ID required for verification)
Non-city residents: $152.75

6 Under
Age 5-6

8 Under*
Age 7-8

10 Under*
Age 9-10

12 Under*
Age 11-12

14 Under*
Age 12, 13, 14

*Additional fees will be required if the team qualifies for regionals/ nationals


Ages 3-17. A child's age on July 31 is their age for the season.

City residents: $82.75 (GRU bill or voter's ID required for verification)
Non-city residents: $103.25

Junior Tiny Mite
Age 3-4

Tiny Mite
Age 5-7

Mitey Mite*
Age 7-9

Junior PeeWee*
Age 8-11

Age 9-12

Junior Varsity*
Age 12-15

Age 14-17


*Additional fees will be required if team qualifies for regionals/ nationals



How to Register

Step 1.Pick up registration packet

Packets can be picked up at the Thomas Center lobby located at  302 NE 6th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601 and also at MLK Recreation Complex located at 1028 Northeast 14th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601. 

Step 2.Print registration information and handbook

Read this information carefully. 

Step 3.Make copies of birth certificates, report cards, etc. 

Detailed requirements of what is needed can be found in the parent packet.

Step 4.Drop off completed paperwork

If your packet is not complete, your child will not be registered and spot may be jeopardized until all paperwork is received.

Step 5.Registration closes Friday, July 25

If you need assistance or have any questions, you may call 352-334-5067.

Registration will require ALL required forms to be filled out correctly and completely. Please use the checklist provided in the packet to make sure you have everything. 2025 physicals have to be on a 2025 Pop Warner physical form and remember, report cards for SBAC students can be printed out from the Skyward portal. PAYS Certification MUST be completed or renewed by the parent.  Registration packets will not be accepted without an updated PAYS form.

We are looking forward to a great season with some awesome participants! 

Be a volunteer coach and make a positive impact in a child’s life! 

To be a volunteer coach, please fill out an application. Please fill it out completely, sign it and email to PRCAvolunteer@gainesvillefl.gov

Volunteer Application(PDF, 165KB)