The After-School Program

After-school programs (sometimes called OST or Out-of-School Time) serve children and youth of all ages, and encompass a broad range of focus areas including academic support, mentoring, youth development, arts, and sports and recreation. High quality after-school programs generate positive outcomes for youth including improved academic performance, classroom behavior, and health and nutrition. Communities and businesses also benefit when youth have safe and productive ways to spend their time while their parents are at work.

The After-School Program provides children and youth in grades 1 through 8 with a safe and engaging environment, which incorporates hands-on activities. Activities will effectively adapt to individual and small group needs, connecting with participants’ interests and experiences including: academics and enrichment, community service projects, field trips, physical activity and nutrition.

Registration Information

Registration opens July 1 for City residents and July 15 for non-City residents. Space is limited and registration is handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is open until filled. If registration is filled, you may enroll on the waiting list. Under-registered sessions may be canceled with a full refund. Register in person at the PRCA Administrative Office located at the Thomas Center, Building B, 3rd Floor, 306 NE Sixth Ave., 32601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. or you can register online.

Registration Fees

The registration fee is $21.50 per child per week (resident) and $26.75 per child per week (non-resident). 

Reduced Rate Discount

Families can qualify for a 100% reduced rate discount on the registration fee (the non-resident differential fee is not eligible for discount). There are no qualifying multi-child discounts. All reduced rate discount registrations must be completed in person at the PRCA Administrative Office. At the time of registration, you will need to provide one of the following: 1). the SBAC “Direct Certification Notice Letter” or 2). a current DCF “Notice of Case Action” or 3). a completed City of Gainesville “Family Application for Reduced Fees” (must include supporting documentation of Form W-2 or notarized letter of no income).

Register Online


Program Information

The After-School Program operates on the Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) calendar for the current year. The ACPS calendar and school hours are available at The After-School Program hours are 2-6 p.m., Monday through Friday; the program hours are 1-6 p.m. on early release days.

Program Locations

The After-School Program is offered at various facilities located throughout the City:

- Albert “Ray” Massey Recreation Center, 1001 NW 34th Street, 352-334-2821
- Clarence R. Kelly Community Center, 1701 NE 8th Avenue, 352-334-2185
- Eastside Community Center, 2841 E University Avenue, 352-334-2714
- Porters Community Center, 512 SW 2nd Avenue, 352-334-3366


PRCA transportation is available only for participants enrolled in The After-School Program. No child will be transported from school premises to a program site who is not enrolled. The After-School Program provides the following:

- Supervised walk from Littlewood Elementary for students who enroll at the Albert "Ray" Massey program site by PRCA staff.
- Passenger van drive from Lake Forest Elementary for students who enroll at the Eastside program site by PRCA staff.
- Passenger van drive from Williams Elementary for students who enroll at the Eastside program site by PRCA staff.
- Transportation is not provided by PRCA staff for students who enroll at the Porters program site. Submit a "Transportation Change Request Form" to Martha Horter at Parker Elementary for school bus transportation from Parker Elementary to the Porters program site.