ROW Permitting

The City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances requires any person or entity wanting to obstruct a city right-of-way to obtain a permit from the Public Works Department. This includes, but is not limited to, temporarily obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic or any digging and/or excavation

Note: To install a driveway or schedule a driveway inspection, replace a roof, demolish an existing building, construct a new building, etc., please contact the Department of Sustainable Development at 352-334-5050 or

Permit Applicaiton

Step 1.Identify Permit

Begin your application by choosing the appropriate application type for the work intended.

Click on each header for more details and to access the application form.

Obstruction of Right-of-Way

A permit for any temporary obstruction of the city's rights-of-way not related to utility work.

Obstruction of Right-of-Way Permit Application(PDF, 3MB)

Utilities in Rights-of-Way

A permit for utility work, including telecommunications, in the city’s rights-of-way.

Utilities in Right-of-Way Permit Application(PDF, 2MB)

Right-of-Way Use and Maintenance

A permit to place improvements (landscaping and irrigation construction) within a City right-of-way to be maintained by owner/developer at its sole cost and expense in perpetuity.

Right of Way Use and Maintenance Permit Application(PDF, 1MB)

Tree Removal

Permits are issued by the Urban Forestry Program within the Public Works Department. Please contact them directly for the application and processing procedure.


Phone: 352-393-8171.

Driveway and Building Permits

For driveway installation, roof replacement, building demolishing, building construction, etc. Permits are issued separately by the Building Inspection Department located in the Thomas Center at 306 NE 6th Avenue, Bldg. B., Gainesville, Florida 32601, 1st floor.

Phone: 352-334-5050


Step 2.Submit Applicaiton

Submit a completed application form to:

If desired, you can request a meeting to discuss required documentation or traffic control plan by sending your request to, or by calling 352-334-5070.

Step 3.Payment

Upon approval, Public Works will send applicant an email notification with fee statement and payment options. Please use the estimate sheet attached below to assess the cost of your permit.

Right-of-Way Permitting Fee Sheet(PDF, 475KB)  

Step 4.Permit Delivery and Inspection

Upon receipt of permitting fees, Public Works will send email notifying permittee to schedule an onsite meeting with a Public Works inspector for permit delivery.

Public Works Permit FAQs

How long does it take to obtain a permit?

Public Works is committed to reviewing complete Right-of-Way Obstruction permit applications within fourteen business days.

If the application includes a request for closure of parking spaces or placement of a crane in a public right-of-way, an additional seven days may be necessary for review.

When can I begin work?

Work may begin upon receipt of an approved and issued permit. Construction work dates may be modified upon written request to the Public Works Department when submitted at least seven days prior to the permit’s start and/or end date.

Is an inspection required?

All permits require a kick-off meeting before work may begin, and at the completion of work in City rights-of-way, a final inspection will be required to complete the permit. A project is not legally complete until the project passes a final Public Works inspection. 

Bonding (if previously required) will not be released until a final acceptance inspection of the project and a maintenance bond, if also required, has been submitted and accepted by the City.

Contact the Public Works Department at 352-334-5070 or to schedule a Right-of-Way or Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) inspection.

NOTE:  To schedule an inspection related to a Building Permit (i.e. driveway, silt fence, etc.), please contact the Building Department at 352-334-5050 or

Is a bond required?

Yes. Per city ordinance, the Public Works Director or designee shall determine the amount of security (i.e. deposit amount) based on the nature and extent of the right-of-way work to be completed.

Security can be in the form of a surety bond or letter of credit in favor of the City and must guarantee restoration of the right-of-way to the same or better condition than what existed upon the permit’s issuance. The security must also pay for any damage to public property, as well as any trash or debris removal to be performed by the applicant.

An executed security agreement(PDF, 685KB) is also required.

What codes does the city use?