Retirement Planning

Pension Plans

The City of Gainesville has established and maintains two Pension Plans for its employees. The Consolidated Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Retirement Plan covers all Firefighters and Police Officers. The General Employees Pension Plan covers all other regular employees. Participation in either Pension Plan requires a mandatory contribution from both the Employee and the City of Gainesville. 

The City of Gainesville’s Pension Plans are defined benefit pension plans providing retirement, termination, disability and death benefits. The Consolidated Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Plan is established under the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 8. The Employees’ Pension Plan is established under City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 5. Because the plans are defined benefit plans, the ultimate benefit depends upon factors such as compensation level, years of service, plan multiplier and the form in which the benefits are paid at retirement. 

Summary Plan descriptions are available for both the Consolidated Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Plan and the Employees’ Pension Plan. These summary plans are only intended to introduce employees to the Plans and answer the most frequently asked questions. 

Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)

The City of Gainesville allows certain of its employees, meeting specific criteria, to participate in our deferred retirement option program (DROP) if they so choose. This allows these employees to retire and receive benefits under their respective pension plans while delaying termination for a period of up to 60 months. As DROP participants, employees continue to work and earn salaries while their monthly retirement benefits are placed in a separate account  which they receive at the end of their DROP participation.

Retiree Health Savings (RHS) Plan

The City of Gainesville provides the Retiree Health Savings (RHS) Plan which serves as a tool to help employees save money for post-employment medical expenses. Mandatory contributions are governed by union contract or City policy and deposited to RHS accounts on a biweekly basis. The money goes in tax-free, and when withdrawn for qualified medical, dental, vision or long-term care expenses after retirement, the reimbursements from the account are tax-free.  Presently these monies can only be accessed upon exit of employment.

Supplemental Retirement Plans

In addition to the City’s mandatory pension plans, employees can also contribute to the ICMA-RC 457 Deferred Compensation Plan and/or a Roth IRA via Payroll Deduction.


Consolidated Retirement Planning Documents 

Consolidated DROP Entry Packet(PDF, 408KB) - Used for firefighters or police officers to apply to enter DROP
Consolidated DROP Exit Packet(PDF, 916KB)  - Used for firefighters or police officers to apply to exit DROP
Consolidated Retirement Packet(PDF, 1MB)  - Used for firefighters or police officers to apply to retire
W-4(PDF, 101KB)  - Used to determine federal tax withholding
After You Retire Brochure(PDF, 2MB)  - Guide providing post retirement information
Mission Square Current Transfer Packet(PDF, 139KB)  - Used to transfer ICMA funds

General Retirement Planning Documents 

General DROP Entry Packet(PDF, 2MB)  - Used for general plan employees to apply to enter DROP
General DROP Exit Packet(PDF, 2MB)  - Used for general plan employees to apply to exit DROP
General Retirement Packet(PDF, 3MB)  - Used for general plan employees to apply to retire
General DROP FAQ(PDF, 262KB) - Used as a reference for frequently asked questions related to DROP
W-4(PDF, 101KB)  - Used to determine federal tax withholding
After You Retire Brochure(PDF, 2MB)  - Guide providing post retirement information
Mission Square Current Transfer Packet(PDF, 139KB)  - Used to transfer ICMA funds