Annexation Overview

 How do I join the city of Gainesville?

You can join through a process called annexation - it’s what happens when a property owner or neighborhood becomes a part of the city. Being a part of the city means we provide you with services such as water and sewer, trash collection, bus services, fire service, parks, cultural facilities and police service. Most property owners annex into the city to access these superior services.  

Download this information: annexation flyer(PDF, 2MB)

What are the benefits of joining?

  • Lower utility bills due to no utility surcharges
  • Increased voting rights: Vote in both city and county elections
  • Urban services: Unlimited yard trash pickup, mosquito control, street sweeping, free tree planting and more
  • Policing and community patrolling provided by Gainesville Police Department 
  • Emergency services provided by Gainesville Fire Rescue
  • Lower cost or elimination of surcharges for access to city parks, pools and recreation sites
  • Maintenance of traffic signs, street markings and street maintenance in neighborhoods
  • Maintenance of retention ponds, decreasing flooding potential, and stormwater pipe network

Have more questions about city services?

How often will my community be sprayed for mosquitoes?

The City of Gainesville uses an integrated mosquito management approach, which includes a combination of mechanical, biological and chemical strategies:

  • Mechanical strategies include eliminating standing water
  • Biological controls include the use of mosquito fish and bacteria which control larval populations
  • Spraying is not based on a pre-established schedule; chemicals are used only when necessary 

How often are ditches, pipes and inlets inspected and cleaned?

  • City operations cut ditches two times a year on average
  • Pipes and inlets are inspected on three-year rotation, unless there is a specific concern, to which we respond to the area as quickly as possible
  • We strive to answer all concerns in 24- 48 hours

Are there any differences in Solid Waste collection between the city and the county?

  • The city offers recycling of electronic items
  • The collection of charges in the county is done yearly on the property tax bill, while the city collects solid waste fees monthly on the GRU utility bill

Will my streets be swept and, if so, how often?

  • The entire city is swept monthly by zones which rotate around the trash pick-up schedule. Interruptions of the zone schedule may be caused by an emergency, such as inclement weather conditions or equipment repairs. 

How often are non-residential, main roads mowed?

  • Mowing is performed between March and October on a 14-day cycle; between October and March, mowing operations are suspended
  • Specific mowing concerns are addressed as needed, regardless of season

Does the city mow the right of way along residential streets?

  • The city, like most other cities in Florida, does not mow the right of way along residential streets

How are pavement markings maintained?

  • The city stripes at least 10,000 linear feet of center line and edge line miles per year
  • Pavement markings in neighborhoods (such as stop bars, crosswalks, and special marking areas, such as parking bays) are periodically refurbished once every 8-12 years.
  • Typically 3 to 5 neighborhoods are refurbished each year.

How are street signs maintained?

  • All regulatory signs in the city were upgraded to diamond grade retro-reflective backing to meet current standards
  • The city periodically maintains/cleans existing the signs and this can also be done upon request
  • The city uses as its request and work-order tracking system. Most maintenance requests for existing signs are completed within 72 hours. Requests for new signs are evaluated promptly and information is exchanged with the requestor in a timely manner.

How often will my roads be repaved?

  • Pavement condition is assessed once every three years
  • From this assessment an annual plan is developed; this plan ensures that the roads in greatest need of rehabilitation in each of the city’s four quadrants are addressed first
  • Potholes are repaired on an as-needed basis, and often require the involvement of GRU

Does the city routinely trim trees?

  • Tree staff performs visual tree assessments (or VTAs) on a three-year rotation
  • Trees determined to present safety conflicts are reviewed in consultation with a licensed arborist, and scheduled for trimming or removal as appropriate
  • Specific requests related to trees are evaluated as quickly as possible, but typically within 24-48 hours



Am I eligible?

Land adjacent to the city limits can annex! If you are unsure, give us a call at 352-334-5023 and we will help you determine your eligibility.

annexation visual-yes or no

What's the process?

  • Annexation application is submitted
  • The application is review, and City Commission meetings are scheduled
  • City Commission meeting 1 of 3
  • Advertisement runs in The Gainesville Sun
  • City Commission meeting 2 of 3
  • City Commission meeting 3 of 3
  • Vote* only applicable for annexation by referendum

Contact us

If you have any questions about this, please give us a call at 352-334-5023 or email We want to personally answer your questions!