Transportation Planning

The Transportation Planning Division is responsible for all planning activities related to multimodal transportation infrastructure and services, focusing on enhanced system safety, equity, accessibility, and interconnectivity of modes.  

Transportation Plans & Projects

The division advances the City’s transportation goals and objectives as outlined in the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the regional 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan seeking to promote transportation choices and enhance the quality of life in Gainesville. Participation in the development review process is also key to ensure mobility, safety and accessibility goals are met.

In recognition of the efforts and investments to date, Gainesville is recognized as a Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists; as a Trail Town; and as a Bronze Level Walk Friendly Community. Several efforts are underway to evaluate, prioritize and fund infrastructure improvements. Key publications and links are listed below.

Implemented Projects: Before & After