Emergency Management

Closures and City Status

All city facilities are closed Thursday, Sept. 26 and Friday, Sept. 27.

Affected Services

There will be no refuse collections on Thursday, Sept. 26. Normal Thursday collections will now occur on Saturday, Sept. 28, weather and street conditions permitting.

RTS service ends Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. or once winds reach 35mph, whichever comes first. They expect to return to service on Friday, once it is determined safe.

Emergency Management in the City of Gainesville is under the direction of Gainesville Fire Rescue, and daily activities are handled by the Emergency Manager. When a disaster is imminent or is in-progress, the city's Emergency Operations Center will open, and, with other city departments, coordinate the preparedness, response and recovery activities of the City of Gainesville.

Notifications and Preparation