Gainesville updates grant program to support larger downtown events
Published on March 06, 2025
The Gainesville City Commission today approved revisions to the Downtown Events Grant Program, an initiative launched by the Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area (GCRA) in the final half of 2024 to attract events to the downtown area.
This downtown focus follows policy set by the city commission to drive renewed downtown economic development. Commissioners identified the growth and success of downtown as a top priority in a March 2024 update to the City of Gainesville’s strategic plan, and City Manager Cynthia W. Curry has responded with a series of programs and projects focused on creating a more robust and enhanced downtown core. Recent initiatives established to support the policy direction include the Downtown Advisory Board, the Downtown Ambassador Program, the Business Improvement Grant Program, the Community Partnership Grant Program and the Downtown Events Grant Program.
The Downtown Events Grant Program successfully launched last fall through a pilot program that awarded amounts as large as $5,000 to 12 local businesses and organizations. These reimbursed the award recipients for event-related expenses such as advertising, equipment or facilities rental, entertainment, etc. Events supported through the program included the Flying Pig Parade 2024; Tu Fiesta Radio Festival 2024; Unity and Community, a March for Peace & Justice; and a free concert at the Bull’s covered street stage as part of FEST 22.
Key updates to the reimbursement criteria include:
- Eligible expenses are now reimbursed as a 50-percent matching grant instead of the full reimbursement offered during the pilot phase.
- A new level of funding (Tier 2) offers up to $30,000 for large-scale events, also at a 50% reimbursement cap, in addition to the original $5,000 level (now Tier 1).
- The event timeframe is expanded from 3 days to as many as 21 consecutive days, or Friday through Sunday on consecutive weekends, to accommodate larger events.
- Within the program map, events also can take place in private venues if they include substantial public access (such as a designated free-access day).
- The valuation of volunteer hours counting toward reimbursement has been removed.
- Grant recipients now must submit a post-event report evaluating their event before receiving grant funds.
The updates follow a review of the pilot program by the Downtown Advisory Board during recent meetings. In February, the board unanimously approved sending its recommendations to the city commission for final approval.
“Since these are public dollars, we focused on accountability,” said Linda McGurn, chair of the Downtown Advisory Board. “Recipients will be able to charge admission fees at events in privately owned spaces to make them economically feasible and sustainable, and that need is greater now with the 50/50 reimbursement,” she said.
The application process for new event grants opens later this spring. Non-profit organizations also are eligible to apply; government entities are not eligible.
“Our event brought 4,000 people to Downtown Gainesville,” said Elio Piedra, host of the Tu Fiesta Radio Festival 2024. “The entire community embraced our vision and we’re very grateful to the city for their support and to everyone who made it possible.”
GCRA is a department of the City of Gainesville whose mission includes revitalizing the urban core and supporting the local economy.