Land Development Code: Removing the minimum 10-acre requirement

Published on October 12, 2022


This is a draft ordinance(PDF, 2MB) which will amend the City of Gainesville's rezoning criteria to delete the 10-acre minimum parcel size requirement for a parcel not adjacent to a transect zone, and to add other criteria consistent with successful transect features. The need for this text change was identified at a joint meeting of the City Commission and City Plan Board in 2019.

Currently, only parcels greater than 10 acres and adjacent to an existing Transect Zone can petition for a rezoning to a transect zoning district. Staff has identified several instances of transect land use parcels of less than 10 acres that function successfully and co-exist harmoniously with surrounding developments. Members of the public with questions are encouraged to contact the City of Gainesville Department of Sustainable Development at 352-334-5023 or


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