Alfred A. Ring Nature Park


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Over a mile of trails wind through upland mixed forest and slope forest, tracing the course of Hogtown Creek. A scenic overlook provides visitors a view of the confluence of Glen Springs Run and Hogtown Creek. Clear water from Glen Springs sharply contrasts the tannic water of Hogtown Creek. Birds, gray squirrels, and other urban wildlife are abundant in the park. The kids will enjoy the colorful playground. Walk or jog the scenic trails, picnic under the pavilion, and breathe it all in while resting on a quiet bench. The kids will enjoy the colorful playground. Dogs on leashes are welcome.

Parking is provided at the Elks Lodge located at 2424 NW 23rd Boulevard.

21 acres

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This project was funded with the Wild Spaces Public Places half-cent sales tax.The project was completedd by MKM Qualtiy Construction at a cost of $414,021.61.


1801 NW 23rd Blvd., Gainesville 32605  View Map

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