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Alfred A. Ring Nature Park will be closed due to safety concerns and boardwalk repairs starting Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. This park will reopen in the spring of 2025.
The City of Gainesville’s Wild Spaces & Public Places Department and the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department are pleased to announce planned improvements to the boardwalks at Alfred A. Ring Nature Park, located at 1801 NW 23rd Blvd. The park’s boardwalks have experienced severe wood rot, causing a safety hazard. Due to safety concerns, Alfred A. Ring Nature Park will close on Sept. 27 and remain closed until work is completed in the spring of 2025. During this time, we encourage the public to visit the many beautiful nature parks throughout the city. A list of city parks can be found here.
Work on the ten sections of boardwalk throughout the park will consist of replacement of all the walking surfaces, top handrails and construction of new concrete ramps at the north trailhead bridge. Through a competitive procurement process, MKM Quality Construction, Inc. was awarded the construction contract at the cost of $337,369.
For more information, contact Pete McNiece at or 352-393-8544.
Wild Spaces & Public Places
Your Half-Cent Sales Tax at Work. This project is being funded with the Wild Spaces & Public Places half-cent sales tax. Collected from January 2023 to December 2032, the sales tax will continue to acquire and improve lands for conservation, wildlife habitat, water quality, and recreation, and to operate and maintain parks and recreational facilities. To sign up for updates, please visit
Over a mile of trails wind through upland mixed forest and slope forest, tracing the course of Hogtown Creek. A scenic overlook provides visitors a view of the confluence of Glen Springs Run and Hogtown Creek. Clear water from Glen Springs sharply contrasts the tannic water of Hogtown Creek. Birds, gray squirrels, and other urban wildlife are abundant in the park. Walk or jog the scenic trails, picnic under the pavilion, and breathe it all in while resting on a quiet bench. The kids will enjoy the colorful playground. Dogs on leashes are welcome.
Parking is provided at the Elks Lodge located at 2424 NW 23rd Boulevard.
21 acres
1801 NW 23rd Blvd., Gainesville 32605 View Map
1801 NW 23rd Blvd. , Gainesville 32605
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7 a.m.-8 p.m. daily (March 15-Sept. 30)7 a.m.-6 p.m. daily (Oct.1-March 14)