Springtree Nature Park


Springtree Nature Park features a small playground, picnic pavilion, fitness equipment, as well as nature trails that pass through flatwoods with towering pines and fern covered slopes near Three Lakes Creek, a tributary of Possum Creek. Parking is located at the back of Creekside Community Church, located at 2640 NW 39th Avenue.

12 acres
Amenities: nature trail, unpaved trail, picnic table, playground, dogs allowed w/ leash


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Improvements to Springtree Nature Park, located at 2700 NW 39th Ave., completed in July of 2020.  The project included improved trails, park access improvements, a new playground, adult fitness stations, a deck overlooking Three Lakes Creek, a pavilion, park signage and much more! The project cost was $197,609. 


2700 NW 39th Ave, Gainesville 32605  View Map

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