EFFECTIVE: 6/1/2024
All commercially-collected residential serviced property owners/developers and their affiliated entities, including but not limited to landlords, management companies, condominium associations, and home owner associations shall establish a food waste collection program that:
(a) Includes collection and diversion of food waste from the waste stream.
(b) Provides an industry standard food waste container in a common area on the property that is as convenient and accessible to the residents as garbage and recovered materials collection containers.
(c) Provides an adequate level of service and capacity of food waste collection containers based on the number of residents, units, or generation at the property.
(d) Prominently posts and maintains one or more signs in common areas where food waste is collected that specify the materials accepted as food waste;
(e) Distribute food waste collection information to all tenants at least once annually and to all new tenants on move-in.
(f) Provide at least one indoor food waste storage container per unit.
The owner of each individual unit shall be ultimately responsible for the provision of indoor containers. Each management company, home owner’s association, or condominium association that does not take the responsibility of providing indoor containers shall notify the individual unit owners that the provision of indoor containers is the responsibility of each individual owner.
Notification shall be at the time of transfer of ownership and annually as required by the City of Gainesville’s solid waste ordinances.
Why was this ordinance adopted?
This ordinance is necessary to achieve the waste reduction goals of the city by ensuring maximum processing of food waste. Diverting food waste from the waste stream reduces greenhouse gases like methane from being generated when food waste breaks down in landfills. Far fewer greenhouse gases are produced when food waste is processed through composting, and nutrients are returned to the soil or provided in a finished compost product.
Are there any exemptions to this ordinance?
If the commercially-collected residential property demonstrates to the satisfaction of the city manager or designee that space is not available at a given property for additional container placement or provides proof that the commercially-collected residential property is unable to comply due to lack of available service providers. Each exemption request must be completed and submitted every six months using forms provided by the city. The commercially-collected residential property shall be notified in writing within sixty days of whether its exemption request is granted or denied.
What are the enforcement penalties for noncompliance with this ordinance?
The city may enforce this article by civil citation of $125.00 per occurrence or per day.
Is there a form to fill out?
Yes. Lease Transition Plans(PDF, 592KB) are to be submitted to the City of Gainesville's Solid Waste Division.
Ordinance No. 210626, Ch. 27, Div. 7.