The City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan provides the goals, objectives, and policies for the protection and conservation of natural and environmental resources within the incorporated limits of the City. Regulations implementing these environmental policies are contained in the City of Gainesville Land Development Code – Chapter 30.
City environmental and urban forestry staff are responsible for reviewing land use and zoning changes, special use permits, site plans, and other development activities for potential impacts to regulated natural and urban forest resources in Gainesville. These resources include surface waters and wetlands, trees and vegetation of the urban landscape, significant natural communities, significant archaeological resources, significant geological features, strategic ecosystem areas, listed plant and animal species, and highly vulnerable Floridan aquifer recharge areas.
For more information about these services, please call (352) 334-5023, or email The application form for Environmental Review or Natural Resources Review Exemption are available below as well as through the Forms and Applications tab.