Gainesville Zero Waste Initiative

3 arrows forming a circle around the words Zero Waste Initiative


Request a Zero Waste Presentation

The City of Gainesville has set a goal to go Zero Waste by 2040 by supporting policies that reduce waste dramatically and encourage citizens to rethink waste material flows. By analyzing the status of our waste reduction and recycling, the City of Gainesville is working on modifying existing policies, systems, programs, and infrastructure to reduce waste and improve diversion opportunities.

The city has enacted several ordinances designed to reduce consumption, increase recycling opportunities, and improve community aesthetics. Businesses are encouraged to review all Zero Waste Ordinances to ensure compliance and rethink their waste and recycling practices to divert materials from landfills.

Get the latest Zero Waste News each week.

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Commercial Zero Waste Ordinance


Multi-family Property Zero Waste Ordinances


Zero Waste Toolkit For Multi-family Property Managers & Owners

Multi-family toolkit cover page(PDF, 5MB) The City of Gainesville Solid Waste Division has created a free Zero Waste Toolkit For Multi-family Property Managers & Owners(PDF, 5MB). This toolkit is designed to help property managers and property staff:

  • Evaluate current waste streams and improve collection programs;
  • Identify the necessary steps to reach compliance with city ordinances;
  • Increase resident participation and understanding of collection programs; and
  • Establish a system to ensure long-term participation and success.

Download Toolkit(PDF, 5MB)

Other Zero Waste Ordinances


Sustainable Events Checklist

A guide to help you set up a successful sustainable event in the City of Gainesville!Multi-family toolkit cover page

The City of Gainesville is dedicated to creating a more sustainable and resilient community as demonstrated by our Zero Waste by 2040 goal, the net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 goal, and the Climate Resiliency Plan (to be published).

Events play an important role in building a connected and supportive community, however, they also have the potential to create large amounts of waste. This checklist provides the first step in creating a sustainable event. The PDF lists some basic principles to consider during the event planning process to reduce single-use materials, recycling contamination, and food waste.

A more in-depth guide is in the works to provide more tips on achieving these sustainability goals for your events. For any questions about or suggestions for the sustainable event guide, please contact us at

Sustainable Events Checklist(PDF, 860KB)

Zero Waste & Recycling Glossary

Zero Waste



Zero Waste Resources

Signed Zero Waste Ordinances

Solid Waste Division - Article 3(PDF, 3MB)

Food Waste - Division 6(PDF, 780KB)

Food Diversion - Division 7(PDF, 196KB)

Zero Waste Ordinance Compliance Checklist
Public Litter Receptacles

Free to use and reproduce labels for public litter receptacles

    Best      Acceptable 
 thumbnail image of litter labels(PDF, 955KB)   thumbnail image of litter labels(PDF, 102KB)  


Zero Waste Toolkit For Multi-family Property Managers & Owners

Zero Waste Toolkit For Multi-Family Property Managers & Owners(PDF, 5MB)

Multi-family Indoor Recycle Storage Containers

List of approved recycle storage containers(PDF, 1MB)

Multi-Family Property Lease Transition Plan

Multi-Family Property Lease Transition Plan Form(PDF, 581KB)

Commercial Ordinance Petition for Exemption

Complete Online Petition Form for Exemption